Be Strong and Courageous

In the Bible, during the waning days of King’s David’s reign, David gives directions to his son Solomon. During this discourse, the waning king tells the future king about preparations for the temple. David, who wanted to build a temple but learns from God that this project will be completed by his son, makes the necessary preparations for the construction. He gathers the many needed supplies and preps a temple-making-kit for Solomon, and after encouraging Solomon to follow God’s law, David offers this directive: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged” (1 Chronicles 2.13b).

Why does David give this instruction? He knows Solomon’s default will be toward inaction. Such inclination is no indictment on the future king. David simply speaks to the universality in the human condition: We choose the path of least resistance. The easy path, however, will not lead to a glorious temple. The easy path will lead to big plans anchored by long delays. The easy path will eventually choose the status quo. The once great plans to build a temple will be swallowed into lore. To actually complete this palatial structure, the future King Solomon must overcome many obstacles, both within and outside the kingdom. When inevitably facing fear or discouragement, Solomon will need to “be strong and courageous.”

As we consider ourselves, do we believe that God is directing us, toward tasks that require acts of courage? “No,” we might think, “I am not equipped for the task. I do not have what I need to be courageous.” If Solomon had such concerns, David provided the answer: “I have taken great plans to provide for the temple of the Lord: gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone” (1 Chronicles 22.214a). David then explains the provision of workers: stonecutters, masons, carpenters, artisans, and craftsmen. In regard to ourselves, just as David equips Solomon, we can expect that God equips us. Our disposition, experience, knowledges, failures, and successes prepare us for the task. We are not called beyond our capacity; we are called to the edge of our capacity. To reach that edge, we must “be strong and courageous.”

As we sense God’s direction toward such bold acts, we begin to think: “But … I have so many other priorities. Once I get those done, then I can complete God’s task.” If Solomon has such concerns, David quickly allayed those fears: “Is not the LORD your God with you? And has he not granted you rest on every side? For he has given the inhabitants of the land into my hands, and the land is subject to the LORD and to his people” (2 Chronicles 22.18). Just as David brought stability to the land and allowed Solomon to begin construction with fear of outside invaders, so also God provides protection for us. We, like Solomon, are shielded from our foes. Those competing priorities that attempt to distract us are matters already resolved but God. With the LORD’s help, nothing hinders us from being “strong and courageous.”

We are left with a single question: Will we be “strong and courageous”? For all of us, I hope the answer is a resounding “Yes!”


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