The church is updating our Pew Bibles to the version we use during our worship services. This will enable our church attenders to read the scripture passages directly from the Bible. During the sermon, our pastor will say, “Today’s passage is from Micah 4; that is page 799 in the Pew Bible.”
Presently, the cost is $9.71/Bible.
Total Needed
To achieve this goal, we are requesting help from our church attenders. If you do want to purchase some Pew Bibles for your church, please use the links below.
After purchasing the Bible, we encourage you to ship the item to your home and then bring it to church. You can put the Bible on the table in the back of the sanctuary (near the offering box).
Nothing is wrong with the Bible. But, the version is an older translation. Thus, it lacks the resources dedicated to the widely available NIV - such as readily available digital versions. Additionally, the NIV uses section headings and is designed for accessibility, whereas our current version uses an efficient layout that (I assume) worked in 1950 but intimidates those unfamiliar the Bible.
The church could make this purchases, but sometimes, it’s good to accomplish something together. While the goal is new Bibles, there is also significant value in the process.
We are not putting any dedications in the Bible. In general, putting names on gifts in the church runs afoul of Jesus’ directive: “When you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” (Matthew 6.3). Additionally, a person in need of a Bible might take one from the Pew. We would not want the giver to become offended that someone “stole” their special Bible.
We will send them to an organization called Love Packages. They are a mission organization who will distribute them overseas.
There are different NIV Pew Bible, and while they have the same text, they have different appearances and different pagination. We want every Bible to be exactly the same. If you want to use a different vendor, please ensure you purchase the following:
ISBN: 0310446260
Pages: 1088 -
Personally, I am a discount shopper. When the church needed a printer, I bought a used one and saved a bundle. When the church switched to Keurig machines for Coffee Hour, I bought used and saved a bundle. But some things, like a toothbrush, you buy new. In this regard, our Pew Bibles are more like a toothbrush - spend the extra $3 and get a new one.
No, this giving is in addition to your regular giving. Please continue to give at your predetermined rate.
Yea, about that … you can, but please know, packages shipped to the church are delivered erratically, This door. That door. The preschool. This building. That building. And, with so many building users, packages can become a game of hot potato. (If you ever find a wayward package, put it on the table near the mail slots on the basement level.) Personally, I send church Amazon packages to Whole Foods so that I know when and where the item can be found.
Bring your purchased Bibles to church. Place them on the designated tables in the back of the sanctuary. As we receive them, we will distribute them into the pews.
Let’s give everyone a chance to be helpful. A beneficial aspect of this effort is that even people with more modest means can contribute. After a couple of months, large donors are welcomed to finish the project.