Love Your Neighbor

On May 26, the Melrose Clergy Association hosted a community vigil regarding the recent mass shootings, some of which were racially motivated. We came together to express frustrations and call for action. Here is my message.

We see the evil in our world and ask, “What can I do?” In asking this question, we face this continual challenge: we believe others are the problem. We blame bad people, bad laws, and bad culture. We do not, however, blame ourselves. The problem always resides with someone else. But … if we are not the problem, then we cannot be answer. As for me, I want to be part of the solution, and as such, I must accept that I am a contributor of evil to this world. As for you, if you want to part of the solution, then you also must accept that you are contributor of evil to this world.

So, what can we do? As a person of faith, I look to the words of Jesus. When asked about the greatest commandment, he responded with a command from the book of Deuteronomy: “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.” This command is the expected answer. Jesus then continued, tethering this command with another one found in book of Leviticus, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

The New Testament tells of man, who upon hearing Jesus’ answer, attempts to justify himself. He queries Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus responds with the Parable of the Good Samaritan. In this story, a severely injured man lies alongside the road. One person, and then second, pass by and notice the wounded man. They do nothing and continue along the path. A third person, however, upon seeing the man, stops, renders immediate aid, and then provides lasting care. Jesus then asks: “Who was a neighbor to the injured man?” The hearer responds, “The one who showed mercy.”

Thus, to love our neighbor, we should initiate mercy toward others. We face this question: As we experience evil, can we return mercy? If we can, we lessen the evil in this world. If we cannot mercy, we are contributors to evil. And as we contribute to evil, we nurture a world of mass shootings and racially motivated violence. Let’s make this practical. Consider my experience. I frequently ride my bike through Melrose, and as a cyclist I know, there are some people who, for reasons unknown, scream at cyclists. There are drivers who scream. There are pedestrians who scream. There are even other cyclists who scream. I do not enjoy being on the receiving end of another person’s frustration, and my immediate inclination is to return their vitriol with some of my own. But … if I want to “love my neighbor,” my response should be “Have a divine day!” Loving our neighbors is not easy, but if we can, we lessen the evil in our world.

Does one person’s mercy toward another really make a societal difference? Can I eliminate mass shooting and racially motivated violence just by my kindness toward another person? No, probably not. One person’s actions have limited influence. If, however, many of us act, we can make a difference. Alone, we can do little, but together, we can do much.  When more of us choose to love our neighbor, the more that evil is exchanged for kindness. Just as evil spreads so can kindness. Here is a truth in our world: Doing good takes much longer than doing bad. As a result, kindness spreads slower than evil, but with our diligence, it can take root.

I close today with quote from the Book of Galatians (6.9-10a): Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people. My encouragement to you today is this:

Be part of the solution;
Love your neighbor;
Do good to others.


Be Strong and Courageous


Our Worrisome Foe