Come and See
The Secret Service is a federal law enforcement agency. They are best known for protecting the President, but they also are tasked with securing the nation’s physical currency. If you want to meet some of these agents, become a counterfeiter (not suggested), and they will find you. When Secret Service agents learn the art of spotting counterfeit currency, the agents begin with legitimate money. They study the genuine bills and learn its distinctive look, touch, and nuances. The agents become so familiar with authentic currency, that when confronting a counterfeit, they instinctually know the money is fake. The counterfeit, in modern parlance, just gives off the wrong vibe. It feels amiss. Before identifying the tell-tale sign of counterfeit, the agent instinctually knows the truth: the currency is an imposter.
In the Gospel accounts, when the disciples wanted to learn about Jesus, where did they go? Did they go to the Pharisees or other religious leaders so they could learn what Jesus was not? No, they did not. Did the disciples go to the Roman authorities so, once again, they could learn what Jesus was not? No, they did not. Did they spend extended time with the unknowing crowds so they could learn more about what Jesus was not? And once again, they did not. So where did the disciples go to learn about Jesus? They went to the source: they went to Jesus.
At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, he finds Philip and says, “Follow me” (John 1.43). And so, Philip becomes one of his first disciples. Philip then finds Nathanael and proclaims, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph” (John 1.45).
Nathanael finds this claim dubious, especially given Jesus’ town of origin: “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” (John 1.46). Nathanael is a doubter.
So how will Philip respond? How can he convince Nathanael of this truth? He could explain the scriptures and how they point to Jesus. Philip could deep-dive into the intricate details of Moses’s writing or into the nuances of the various prophets. He could explain his reason for his belief and provide the details of his own journey. The new follower could recount how James and John just abandoned the family fishing business to follow Jesus. Or he could counter his friend’s contention – surely Nazareth has produced something good at some point. Instead, Philip responds to Nathanael’s doubts with three words, “Come and see” (John 1.46).
Nathanael obliges. He comes. And he sees. In short order, the previously dubious individual makes this declaration about Jesus, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel” (John 1.49).
Come and see. It is that simple.
For us, we can discern a truth from this story: if we want to learn about Jesus, go to the source. For us, that source is the Gospel accounts in our New Testament. The Gospels reveal Jesus, and they are sufficient. Practically, there are two implications. First, use the Bible as our primary source for knowing God. There are an abundant of non-biblical sources available to us, some more helpful than others, but ultimately, we must rely upon the ultimate source. We must rely upon the Gospels. Second, when communicating Jesus to others, send them to the Bible. For any questioner, reading/listening/watching the Book of Mark provides more value than any of our efforts. To find the authentic Jesus, for others and us, we simply need to heed the three-word advice of Nathanael: “Come and see.”